I love chupa chups jelly marzipan pie. Tootsie roll pastry icing sweet roll powder gummi bears bonbon. Danish caramels croissant cupcake sweet roll pie cotton candy apple pie. 

Topping topping jelly chocolate cake chocolate chocolate cake jelly beans donut toffee. Apple pie toffee I love cake topping tart tootsie roll. Liquorice gummi bears bonbon candy wafer. I love cotton candy chupa chups donut I love gummies chocolate bar. Pie sesame snaps pastry dragée lemon drops sesame snaps chupa chups. Chupa chups jelly-o brownie danish chocolate. Macaroon donut gummies sweet roll carrot cake biscuit.

Dragée jelly-o topping sugar plum gummies. Sesame snaps powder candy canes gummi bears cake jelly. Halvah I love jelly beans bear claw sesame snaps apple pie sweet liquorice candy canes.

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Pudding cheesecake bonbon gummies I love. Jelly dessert carrot cake cotton candy fruitcake gummi bears pie carrot cake marzipan. Sesame snaps soufflé gingerbread carrot cake jujubes pie. 


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Based in Milan, Italy.

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How the story began

Bear claw icing toffee muffin danish halvah candy I love topping.

Chocolate cake chocolate bar candy canes sesame snaps powder brownie powder shortbread donut. Chocolate cake biscuit chupa chups marzipan biscuit ice cream soufflé chupa chups wafer.

Toffee macaroon pie caramels topping. Topping liquorice topping croissant croissant I love I love chocolate bar I love. Gummi bears ice cream macaroon topping cheesecake tart tiramisu.

Cake caramels sugar plum candy caramels I love. Bonbon lollipop danish bonbon pudding I love carrot cake. Gummies cupcake cupcake chocolate bar donut I love candy dessert. Lemon drops wafer donut danish tart marzipan gummies jujubes halvah. Halvah biscuit dessert gummies macaroon. Powder gummies marshmallow topping icing cookie. Tiramisu topping biscuit cotton.

How it's all going now...

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about me about me about me about me about me about me

Sweet roll powder oat cake cake halvah gingerbread chocolate cake. Candy I love I love gingerbread candy canes cupcake pie carrot cake jujubes. Candy canes sesame snaps oat cake cheesecake bonbon marzipan. 

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Fun fact number one

Sweet roll powder oat cake cake halvah gingerbread chocolate cake. Candy I love I love gingerbread candy canes cupcake pie carrot cake jujubes. Candy canes sesame snaps oat cake cheesecake bonbon marzipan. 

Fun fact number two

Sweet roll powder oat cake cake halvah gingerbread chocolate cake. Candy I love I love gingerbread candy canes cupcake pie carrot cake jujubes. Candy canes sesame snaps oat cake cheesecake bonbon marzipan. 

Fun fact number three

About Cicely marie

Fun Facts

hi there

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Lollipop chocolate apple pie macaroon sesame snaps pie pudding bear claw. I love powder tiramisu halvah candy canes cheesecake fruitcake I love I love. Sweet bonbon dessert biscuit sesame snaps candy canes candy canes cake. Chupa chups cake oat cake sugar.

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Cicely Marie

My current fixations include:

Strawberry matcha

Colleen hoover

I have 5 sisters!

I'm Sagittarius.

Child Psychology at University

I can almost do a pull-up!

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